,開始時刻, 対戦チーム
,11:00,	Hibikino-Musashi - WinKIT
,12:00,	DU-ST - FC-Soromons
,13:00,	KOOGEI-RV - The Nishikey
,14:00,	FC-Soromons - WinKIT
,15:00,	KOOGEI-RV - DU-ST
,16:00,	The Nishikey - Hibikino-Musashi	 	 
,17:00,	DU-ST - WinKIT	 	 

,開始時刻, 対戦チーム
,10:00,	KOOGEY-RV - Hibikino-Musashi	 	 
,11:00,	The Nishikey - FC-Soromons	 	 
,12:00,	KOOGEY-RV - WinKIT	 	 
,13:00,	The Nishikey - DU-ST	 	 
,14:00,	FC-Soromons - Hibikino-Musashi	 	 
,15:00,	The Nishikey - WinKIT	 	 
,16:00,	KOOGEY-RV - FC-Soromons	 	 
,17:00,	DU-ST - Hibikino-Musashi	 	 

,開始時刻, 対戦チーム
,10:00,	準決勝1	 	 
,11:00,	準決勝2	 	 
,12:00,	Technical Challenge	 	 
,14:00,	決勝	 	 
,15:00,	エキシビション・マッチ	 	 
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